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Publikasi Ilmiah LS


Makalah Ilmiah:

    1. Nataresmi, A.H., T. Laksmana,  A. Yamani, R. Satyaningsih, F.M. Simatupang. 2006. “Building An Amateur Astronomical Community by Popular Astronomy Magazine Publishing.” The 9th Asian-Pacific Regional IAU Meeting. Edited by W. Sutantyo; P.W. Premadi; P. Mahasena; T. Hidayat and S. Mineshige. Publisher: Institut Teknologi Bandung Press, 2006, p.358-359.
    2. A. Yamani, A.A . Baskoro, and D. Pramesti. 2007. “The Langit Selatan blog, a Window for Popularizing Astronomy in Indonesia”. Communicating Astronomy with the Public 2007: Proceedings from the IAU/National Observatory of Athens/ESA/ESO Conference, Athens, Greece, 8-11 October 2007, Christensen L. L., Zoulias M. & Robson, I. (eds.). Published by Eugenides Foundation. pp. 352-355.
    3. A. Yamani, D. Pramesti K, E.S. Mumpuni, A.A.Baskoro, F.M. Simatupang, T.L. Astraatmaja. 2009. “Communicationg Astronomy Through Online Media”. Proceeding of the 10th Asian- Pasific Regional IAU Meeting 2008, Kunming, Yunnan, China, 3-6 August 2008. Shuang-Nan Zhang, Yan Li, Qingjuan Yu (eds). Guo-Qing Liu (assoc eds). Published by China Science & Technology Press. pp. 416 – 418.
    4. D. Pramesti.K, E.S.Mumpuni, I.I.Hariawang, A. Yamani. 2009. Folklore as an Astronomical Study of Indonesian Traditional Society Case Study: Bima Sakti and Batara Kala. Proceeding of the 10th Asian- Pasific Regional IAU Meeting 2008, Kunming, Yunnan, China, 3-6 August 2008. Shuang-Nan Zhang, Yan Li, Qingjuan Yu (eds). Guo-Qing Liu (assoc eds). Published by China Science & Technology Press. pp. 399 – 400.
    5. A. Yamani. 2009. langitselatan as Astronomy Communicator in Indonesia. Proceedings of the Conference of the Indonesia Astronomy & Astrophysics, Bandung, 29-31 October 2009,  P.W. Premadi, T.Hidayat, H.R.T. wulandari, B.Dermawan, H.L.Malasan, M.Raharto, W.Sawitar and C.Y.Yatini (eds.). Printed by ITB Press.
    6. A. Yamani, E. S. Mumpuni, F. M. Simatupang, R. Satyaningsih, G. I. Prasetyono. 2009. Astro 2.0: langitselatan as the implementation of web 2.0 in Indonesia. Proceedings of the Conference of the Indonesia Astronomy & Astrophysics, Bandung, 29-31 October 2009,  P.W. Premadi, T.Hidayat, H.R.T. wulandari, B.Dermawan, H.L.Malasan, M.Raharto, W.Sawitar and C.Y.Yatini (eds.). Printed by ITB Press.
    7. R. Pujijayanti, A. Yamani, F. M. Simatupang, R. Satyaningsih, I. I.Hariawang. 2009. Annular Solar Eclipse Expedition And Education Session in Lampung. Proceedings of the Conference of the Indonesia Astronomy & Astrophysics, Bandung, 29-31 October 2009,  P.W. Premadi, T.Hidayat, H.R.T. wulandari, B.Dermawan, H.L.Malasan, M.Raharto, W.Sawitar and C.Y.Yatini (eds.). Printed by ITB Press.
    8. Yatny Yulianty, E. S. Mumpuni, & A. Yamani. 2013. Star-lore As An Indigenous Astronomy on Delivering Astronomy. Proceedings of the 11th Asian-Pacific Regional IAU Meeting, Chiang Mai, Thailand, July 26-29, 2011, Siramas Komoljinda, Yuri Kovalev, David Ruffolo (eds). Published by National Astronomical Research Institute of Thailand. pp. 472 – 473
    9. Avivah Yamani, T. L Astraatmadja, R. Satyaningsih, & P. Utomo. 2013. Role of Social Media in Communicating Astronomy in IndonesiaProceedings of the 11th Asian-Pacific Regional IAU Meeting, Chiang Mai, Thailand, July 26-29, 2011, Siramas Komoljinda, Yuri Kovalev, David Ruffolo (eds). Published by National Astronomical Research Institute of Thailand. pp. 500 – 501.
    10. Ferry Mukharradi Simatupang, I.I. Hariawang, E.S. Mumpuni. 2013. The Main Stupa of Borobudur as Gnomon and Its Relation With Pronotomongso Calendar SystemProceedings of the 11th Asian-Pacific Regional IAU Meeting, Chiang Mai, Thailand, July 26-29, 2011, Siramas Komoljinda, Yuri Kovalev, David Ruffolo (eds). Published by National Astronomical Research Institute of Thailand. pp.504-505.
    11. A.A. Baskoro. 2011. Roket Air sebagai Sarana Pembelajaran Sains Keantariksaan Sejak Dini. Prosiding Seminar Himpunan Astronomi Indonesia. Bandung, Indonesia, 27 Oktober 2011. B. Dermawan, D. Herdiwijaya, P. Mahasena, W. Sawitar, T. Hidayat, H. R. T. Wulandari, P. W. Premadi, A. B. Suksmono, T. Djamaluddin, M. I. Arifyanto, L. T. Handoko & M. Raharto (eds). Penerbit HAI Pustaka.
    12. A. Yamani. 2011. “langitselatan”, Jendela Informasi dan Edukasi Astronomi. Prosiding Seminar Himpunan Astronomi Indonesia. Bandung, Indonesia, 27 Oktober 2011. B. Dermawan, D. Herdiwijaya, P. Mahasena, W. Sawitar, T. Hidayat, H. R. T. Wulandari, P. W. Premadi, A. B. Suksmono, T. Djamaluddin, M. I. Arifyanto, L. T. Handoko & M. Raharto (eds). Penerbit HAI Pustaka.
    13. A. Yamani, Hakim L. Malasan. 2012. Amateur Astronomy Network Development in Indonesia. Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union. Highlights of Astronomy as presented at the XXVIII General Assembly, 2012, Thierry Montmerle (eds). Volume 16, pp. 556. Published by. Cambridge University Press.
    14. A. Yamani & W. Soegijoko. 2012. Astro Talk in Social Media – Indonesia. Highlights of Astronomy as presented at the XXVIII General Assembly, 2012, Thierry Montmerle (eds). Volume 16, pp. 654. Published by. Cambridge University Press.
    15. A. Yamani & W. Soegijoko. 2013. “Komunikasi Astronomi di Era Media Baru”. Akan diterbitkan dalam prosiding Seminar HAI 2013.
    16. A. Yamani, H.L. Malasan. 2015. “The Need of Distance Learning For Astronomy Development in Indonesia“. Proceedings of APRIM 2014, Daejeon, Korea, 18 – 22 August 2014. Young Chol Minh & Hoil Kim (eds). Published by The Korean Astronomical Society. pp. 715  – 718.
    17. A. T. Handini, A. Baskoro, A. Yamani, & E. S. Mumpuni. 2015. “langitselatan as an Astronomy Learning Base for Citizen Projects in Indonesia“. Proceedings of APRIM 2014, Daejeon, Korea, 18 – 22 August 2014. Young Chol Minh & Hoil Kim (eds). Published by The Korean Astronomical Society. pp. 719  – 720.
    18. A. Yamani, W. Soegijoko, A. A. Baskoro, R. Satyaningsih, F. M. Simatupang, F. Maulana, J. Suherli, R. Syamara, L. Canas, T. Stevenson, F. Oktariani, I. Santosa, F. Ariadi, N. Carvalho & K. Soegijoko. 2016. “Chasing the shadows, a trip to spice island“.  International Symposium on Sun, Earth, and Life (ISSEL). Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 771, Number 1.
    19. F. Maulana, W. Soegijoko & A. Yamani. 2016. “Utilising Raspberry Pi as a cheap and easy do it yourself streaming device for astronomy“.  International Symposium on Sun, Earth, and Life (ISSEL). Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 771, Number 1.
    20. R. Satyaningsih, A. Yamani, & W. Soegijoko. 2018. “Kamus Astro Beta Version: The Indonesian Astronomical Glossary“. Communicating Astronomy with the Public 2018. Proceedings of the International Conference CAP2018, Fukuoka, Japan, 24 – 28 March 2018, L. Canas, H. Agata, S.L. Cheung, D. Daou, P. Gay, S. Hayashi, S. Karino, C. Molina, P. Russo, O. Sandu, K. Yaji, & H. Yamaoka (eds.). Published by National Astronomical Observatory of Japan. pp. 286.
    21. A. Yamani & W. Soegijoko. 2018. “The Social Media Razor: Astronomy Exploited”. Communicating Astronomy with the Public 2018. Proceedings of the International Conference CAP2018, Fukuoka, Japan, 24 – 28 March 2018, L. Canas, H. Agata, S.L. Cheung, D. Daou, P. Gay, S. Hayashi, S. Karino, C. Molina, P. Russo, O. Sandu, K. Yaji, & H. Yamaoka (eds.). Published by National Astronomical Observatory of Japan. pp. 299-300.
    22. A. Yamani & W. Soegijoko. 2019. “Strategising the New Media Role for Engaging the Public Case Study: Total Solar Eclipse”. Communicating Astronomy with the Public Journal. Issue 26, pp. 31-38.


  1. A.Yamani. 2008. “Awareness Building of Astronomy as Basic Science and Heritage of Humanity”. 11th Global Hands On Universe Meeting 2008. Lisbon.
  2. Ferry M. Simatupang, Jefferson Teng. 2009. Delta T Measurement from Annular Solar Eclipse 26 January 2009. Conference of Indonesia Astronomy & Astrophysics.
  3. Irma I. Hariawang, Ferry M. Simatupang, Iratius Radiman. 2009. On The Hypothesis Of Borobudur’s Main Stupa As A Gnomon. Conference of Indonesia Astronomy & Astrophysics.
  4. A. Yamani. 2010.”Implementation of Web 2.0 for education and popularisation in Indonesia”. Communicating Astronomy with the Public 2010. Cape Town. South Africa.
  5. A. Yamani. 2011. Social Network & Astronomy Outreach in Indonesia. GHOU 2011 Conference. Chicago. USA (online presentation from Thailand)
  6. A. Yamani. 2011. “Online to Offline: Translating Media Usage to Real Life Public”.  Communicating Astronomy with the Public 2011. Beijing. China.
  7. A. Yamani. 2013. “Return to the East. Lesson Learn: Transit Venus 2012 in Ambon”. UNAWE Workshop 2013. Heidelberg. Germany
  8. A. Yamani, J. Geovedi, W. Soegijoko. 2013.”Using WALUKU to Answer your Astronomy Questions through Social Media”. Communicating Astronomy with the Public 2013. Warsaw. Polland.
  9. A. Yamani. 2015.  “Jelang Gerhana Matahari Total 2016. Tinjauan: Dampak Sosial”. Lokakarya Nasional GMT 2016. Bandung. Indonesia
  10. A. Yamani. 2016. “Chasing the Shadows”. The Space Series: 3 Minutes of Darkness Over Indonesia. @America.
  11. A. Yamani. 2017. “Menelusuri Jejak Kehidupan Lain di Luar Bumi”. ANTERO Science Discussion. Kok Bisa Channel di Menara by Kibar.
  12. A. Yamani & W. Soegijoko. 2018. “New Media in Indonesia and its Impact: 10 Years of langitselatan“. Asia Pacific Regional IAU Meeting 2017. Taipei. Taiwan.
  13. A. Yamani. 2018. “Dari Planet di Tata Surya ke Exoplanet di Bintang Lain”.  PRF Star Party 2018, UI, Depok.
  14. A. Yamani. 2019. “Carl Sagan: Pola Pikir Ilmiah Sebagai Gaya Hidup Sehari-Hari”.  Science Underground. Jakarta
  15. A. Yamani. 2019. “Planetarium, Pengawal Informasi Astronomi”.  50 Tahun Planetarium Jakarta. Jakarta
  16. A. Yamani. 2019. “Are We Alone in the Universe”.  Kuliah Sore Sains. Bandung

Poster :

  1. A.A.  Baskoro, A. Yamani, D Pramesti, and E.S.Mumpuni. 2007. “Langitselatan, Exist to Spread the Knowledge of Astronomy through Online Media”. Proceedings of Astronomy One Day Seminar. Bosscha Observatory, Lembang. Bandung.
  2. F. M. Simatupang, A. Yamani, Y. Yulianty, I. I. Hariawang, E. S. Mumpuni. 2009. “langitselatan Activities During IYA 2009”.  Conference of Indonesia Astronomy & Astrophysics Proceedings.
  3. Yatny Yulianty, Irma I. Hariawang. 2009. “Compiling Starlore Across Nusantara”. Conference of Indonesia Astronomy & Astrophysics Proceedings.
  4. A. Yamani, W. Soegijoko, R. Satyaningsih. 2014.  “Astronomi Media in Indonesia“. The 11th Asia Pacific Regional IAU Meeting.

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